Aquaman is a character who is well known and popular, but the comics surrounding him aren’t always what they seem. The series takes on several different topics, including Origin, Silver Age, Rebirth, and even the JLA run. What does all of this mean for the future of the series?
One of DC Comics’ most popular characters, Aquaman has a long comic book history. In addition to his many appearances in solo adventures, he has also been a key member of several superhero teams, such as the Justice League. He’s also appeared in more than one film. This means that his origin story has plenty of different versions.
While the story has been retold countless times, there’s still a lot we don’t know about the origin of the King of Atlantis. Fortunately, we’re getting a glimpse of his history in an upcoming film.
Before he became Aquaman, he was a boy named Orin. His father was an ocean explorer and lighthouse keeper. When his parents died, he was sent to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis to live. There, he learned to use the ocean to gain the powers that would give him the name Aquaman.
Silver Age
If you are a DC Comics fan, you probably know about Aquaman. He’s one of DC’s most iconic characters. But what exactly is he? And where did he come from?
In 1941, Aquaman made his debut in a comic book. He was the son of Dr. Phillip Curry, an oceanobiologist. As a young man, he discovered that he had several superhuman abilities. His father gave him the power of superhuman strength. Eventually, he became an important member of the Justice League of America (JLA).
When the JLA went bankrupt, Arthur stayed on the island of Avalon Cay and was only able to escape from the world by means of television. He also grew a beard.
After years of absence, Aquaman returned in a series of short miniseries in the late 1980s. This time, he fought with the same types of enemies he had in the Golden Age.
JLA run
If you’ve been reading comics for a while, you’ve probably seen Aquaman. He’s half human, half Atlantean, and is the son of Tom Curry and Atlanna. In his early days, he was a member of the Justice League.
After the cancellation of the fifth volume, the team shifted their base of operations to a reinforced bunker in Detroit. Aquaman and his longtime girlfriend Mera were reunited. They soon had a child, Andy. The team’s reputation took a hit.
The next year, Grant Morrison wrote the series, focusing on the “gods” of the DCU. A new villain, the Anti-Monitor, joined the League. This was even more dangerous than Darkseid, who has already conquered the multiverse.
Another new member is Booster Gold, who became the League’s leader. His abilities are based on ‘Vibe’, a vibration that can be used to manipulate the fabric of reality.
Rebirth series
Aquaman Rebirth is one of the hottest DC Comics titles. It’s not surprising, since the comics’ writing is incredibly strong, and the cover design is gorgeous. This series has shown no signs of slowing down.
The Aquaman Rebirth series begins in the aftermath of the Infinite Crisis. Black Manta is back, and he’s trying to destroy Atlantis. And in the midst of all this chaos, Aquaman must try to find a way to unite the surface world and Atlantis.
But as the war rages, Black Manta’s plan is not working. Instead, a mysterious force is transforming deceased heroes into undead Black Lanterns. So, is Aquaman’s power enough to save the day?
The first story arc in the Aquaman Rebirth series is “Aquaman: The Drowning”. It’s written by Dan Abnett, and features artwork by Brad Walker.
Aquaman is a superhero, a man of both land and sea, who has a unique ability to talk to fish. He uses his special abilities to fight for justice.
He is the son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper. Arthur is raised on the surface, and eventually learns how to use his special abilities to fight for the people. But he is not without his own issues. His half-brother Orm is a dark force who wants to destroy the world.
Aquaman’s story is also a reflection of the comics that inspired him. In the New 52 run, Geoff Johns took the character from joke to hero.
Aside from the plot, there are many other things to enjoy about Aquaman. His visual style and fighting sequences are top-notch. There are moments of pure joy, as well as cheesy ones.